Lilly F.

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About Lilly F.

My story is to honor my mother. About 3 years ago my father was preparing for a knee replacement surgery. 3 or 4 days before his surgery, his doctor called about his blood work – they found cancer and quickly determined it was prostate cancer. Obviously the knee surgery was put on hold. Over the next 4 years my father had prostate surgery, a knee replacement surgery, a surgery to remove the now infected knee replacement, and finally a final (we hope) knee replacement surgery. During all of this,’ my father went through bouts of anger, depression and frustration – and my mom was there to love him and take care of him like none other. My father’s physical and mental health and well-being were at the top of her priority list for so long, and she is so deserving of being recognized for this. Whether it was taking off work to take him to appointments or surgeries, being an emotional cheerleader and encouraging him to read a book or go for a walk, my mom is a hero. (Obviously my dad is too!)

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