Nikki A.

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About Nikki A.

My parents divorced in 1988. Through their subsequent relationships and marriages they stayed friends. When they both found themselves single five years ago they started hanging out again. Dinner, shopping, friend stuff. After realizing they were hanging out constantly anyway, my mom moved in with my dad.

Fast forward to Christmas 2017. My dad was diagnosed with Prostate cancer. My mom accompanied him to all his initial visits and reported back to us kids. While he went though radiology, and now as he goes through chemo, she is always looking for ways to make him happy and comfortable; his favorite ice cream, cozy pj pants, movies he wants to see.

She also helped him with his treatment plans and appointments. She also works full time.

My mom has always been the ultimate caretaker but she has really stepped up and been an advocate and a blessing for my dad during this time.

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