Patricia H.

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About Patricia H.

Please forgive me but I am writing this for my wife, Pat Herrel. This is something she would never do for herself. It is not who she is…

Today (February 14, 2019) is my 23rd anniversary. I would not be here if it was not for my wife, Pat. During the dark days during treatment for Stage 4A Ductal Prostate Cancer she was the rock that I could lean on. Not once did she complain on any of the unpleasant things that had to be done. Trust me, there were at lot of those. Not once was she anything but the most understanding person in the world. There were times when I did not think I could go on. But, because of her support and unwavering positive outlook, I did. I am amazed that someone could give so much of herself for another human being. I am ashamed to say that even though I love Pat with all my heart, I could not give her the support she gave and continues to give me. They say that those with cancer are the brave ones, the warriors. They are wrong. It is our loved ones, our caregivers that are the true warriors. I never new the true meaning for loving someone in sickness and health until I got cancer. God bless all caregivers!

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