James S.

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About James S.

I began my radiation treatment on October 29, 2019 at the Bayhealth Radiology/Oncology Center in Dover. It did not start well. I had gas and stool in my colon. I walked and walked and went to the bathroom and finally I had a clean scan and could have the first of my 43 treatments. Throughout the waiting, the Technicians and Staff in Radiology/Oncology were very understanding and supportive. On October 30th, I did not have enough water in my bladder and I had to drink and drink, which would begin a common theme of my treatment. The following day, October 31st, there was no stool in the bowel but there was gas. Despite all my efforts, I couldn’t rid myself of the gas. My oncologist finally had to resort to inserting a tube into my colon and pushing on my abdomen, which worked. Again, the Technicians and Staff were right there with me, supporting, encouraging and understanding. The following day, I did not have a full bladder and I had to drink more water, lots of water in order to get a full bladder. Again, no one complained – all I witnessed was patience and understanding. This began a treatment journey that saw me fighting dehydration constantly on a daily basis and drinking what seemed like an endless river of water each and every day. Many days, my bladder was not full despite drinking 48 oz. of water prior to going to the Center for treatment. Depression and frustration were my daily companions. What kept me going was the encouragement, understanding and support I received from each member of the Radiology/Oncology team. Never once did I witness a frown or a show of frustration. Without their support and encouragement, I believe I would have walked away. I know I would have. They were and will always be remembered as special people – not only as medical professionals, but as fellow human beings. I am most thankful for them.

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